Then, it’s CTRL + Shift + Click on the door, “Link to Activated Behavior… > Unlock” from the pie menu. Then, it’s CTRL + Shift + Click on the switch, “Link Triggers… > Step On” from the pie menu. Remember how to do that? First we do CTRL + Shift + Click on the door and allow it to have triggers and behaviors, then CTRL + Shift + Click and select “Lock” to lock it by default.
Okay, now to make this a constant pressure switch, we have to set up two links to the door. CTRL + Shift + Click brings up the pie menu, and I select “Toggle Visual Style” to make the switch’s etching look like a little gear. Now, as you may know from exploring tombs, the little footprints on the floor switch indicate that it’s one to stand on… but we want to indicate that this is intended for a pushable statue.