*** Affiliating College Notifications (New) *** *** Faculties, Employees and Campus Dwellers of Manipur University may contact the Covid-19 Helpline Numbers +91-8119951558 / +91-841402472 (New) *** *** COVID-19: Mental Health Counselling (New) *** *** Tender for Supply of Equipments & Consumable items (New) *** *** Online Provisional Marksheet (BA/BSc) *** *** Verification of financial transactions will be opened from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on every working day. *** Samarth EXAM FORM FILL UP for MU (New) *** *** Issue of 1st semester hostel fee payment is resolved and those students who already paid the fee shall download the fee receipt (New) *** of Earth Sc., has been selected as Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geology & Environmental Scinece, University of Pittsburgh.ġ5th CONVOCATION 2023: Register Now for 2013-2020 passout students ĭOWNLOAD UG(BA/BSc/BCom) Online Provisional Marksheet. for all Colleges UG 1st Semester Examinations 2022(NOV) (NEP) (New) ***